Mindfulness and Relaxation Activities for Kids

Got hyper kids? Tame their wild little spirits with some cool mindfulness and relaxation activities. Start with 'Animal Breaths' and have them roar like lions or hiss like snakes – deep breaths never sounded this fun! Try guided imagery to send them on magical adventures without leaving the couch. Yoga poses like the wobbly tree or fierce cobra will stretch their imagination and muscles. Don't forget mindful coloring; it's crayon time with a zen twist. Mix in some gratitude journaling and storytime relaxation for double the serenity. Trust us, your mini-adults will be floating on their own little cloud soon enough.

Deep Breathing

When it comes to calming kids down, deep breathing is like a magic trick you can pull out of your hat anywhere, anytime. Seriously, it's the Houdini of relaxation techniques. Imagine this: a frazzled child is on the verge of a meltdown. Instead of reaching for earplugs, you whip out a fun breathing game. Voilà! Instant calm.

Consider playing “Breath Counting,” a game where your little one counts their breaths. It's simple: they inhale deeply, counting “one,” then exhale “two,” and so forth. Before they realize it, they're counting sheep…or breaths, at least. The repetitive focus works wonders to calm racing minds and jittery nerves.

Looking for something with a bit more pizzazz? Try “Animal Breaths!” Encourage them to breathe like a lion taking a roaring inhale, then a slow, soft exhale like a sleepy sloth. It's engaging and sneaks in deep breathing practice faster than you can say “abracadabra.”

Jiu Jitsu Kids

Looking for a dynamic way to channel your child's boundless energy? Enter Jiu Jitsu Kids, where mindfulness meets martial arts in a flurry of controlled movements and disciplined breathing. Jiu Jitsu isn't just about self-defense; it's a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being. Picture your little one mastering grappling techniques while learning to focus their mind like a Jedi mastering the Force. It's a blend of physical exertion and mental discipline that builds confidence and resilience with each practice session.

In Jiu Jitsu, kids engage in playful yet structured exercises that enhance coordination and agility. They learn to respect their bodies and others, fostering a sense of camaraderie within their training groups. As they roll on the mat, executing techniques with precision, they also sharpen their ability to stay calm under pressure—a skill that transcends the dojo and applies to everyday challenges. Jiu Jitsu Kids isn't just an activity; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, where each class offers a new opportunity to build strength, both inside and out.

Yoga Poses

Just as guided imagery waltzes your child into dreamland, yoga poses can stretch their imagination and their muscles, keeping both body and mind in tip-top shape. Need to transform your living room into a safari? Try a few animal poses! The Cobra, Downward Dog, and Cat-Cow aren't just fun to say—they're also wildly entertaining for kids to practice. Watch your child hiss like a snake or moo like a cow, and just see if you don't giggle right along with them.

And who says yoga is a solo sport? Partner yoga takes the fun up a notch and brings a splash of teamwork to the mat. Picture your child and their friend as a pair of synchronized dolphins in a double Boat Pose or a unified tree growing taller together in a Twin Tree Pose. It's amusing and it builds trust as they learn to balance and move in sync.

Body Scan

Ever wanted to awaken your child's inner superhero with the power of relaxation? Introduce them to the Body Scan! Imagine empowering your child to be as composed as a cucumber in any situation.

The Body Scan is a straightforward, yet powerful, mindfulness tool to help kids refine their sensation awareness and mental focus.

Start by having your child lie down as if they're preparing to create a snow angel, but indoors and with their eyes closed. Guide them to concentrate on one part of their body at a time, beginning from their little wiggle-worthy toes all the way up to their intelligent noggin.

Encourage them to observe any sensations – a tickle, an itch, a feeling of warmth or coolness. The objective is to draw their attention to the present moment by focusing on these sensations.

The Body Scan works its magic by developing your child's mental focus, nurturing a sharp awareness of how their body feels. Additionally, it offers a moment of tranquility in this chaotic world of screens and continuous stimulation.

Mindful Coloring

Transform your child's crayon time into a zen masterpiece with the soothing magic of Mindful Coloring! Forget the chaotic scribbles on walls, and introduce a creative sanctuary where every stroke calms their little minds. With color psychology in play, you can channel those wild emotions into hues of tranquility and joy.

Imagine your child choosing cool blues to bring calm or vibrant oranges to ignite giggles! The trick? Mandala designs. These intricate, circular patterns aren't just eye candy; they're mindfulness magnets. Hand your little artist a mandala, sit back, and watch them get lost in the mesmerizing circles and shapes. It's not merely coloring; it's a full-on meditative experience.

You may wonder, why bother? Well, when kids focus on the delicate details of a mandala, they stay present. It's like a mini-mental vacation, sans the packing and airport stress. As they color, they learn patience, attention to detail, and even gain a sprinkle of self-esteem from their vibrant masterpieces.

Listening to Music

Often underestimated, listening to music can turn your kid's chaotic energy into a sweet symphony of calm! Ditch the idea that music is just background noise. It's a superhero in disguise, powerful enough to smooth out any tantrum.

Start by queuing up some gentle lullabies or classical tracks. Watch as your child's frazzled nerves start conducting their own tranquil orchestra.

Why stop there? Dive into musical games that invite your child to participate actively. Create a game where they guess instruments by their sounds or play 'musical freeze dance' with soothing melodies. These activities not only captivate your child but enhance their listening skills.

Don't underestimate instrument exploration either. Let your budding Beethoven experiment with tambourines, xylophones, or even a kitchen pot drum set. The purpose isn't to master these instruments but to channel their energy productively. You'll be surprised how experimenting with different sounds can redirect hyperactivity.

Nature Walks

Ready to ditch the screens and let Mother Nature become your child's playground? Say hello to nature walks! Your kids will love these mini-adventures that double as both exercise and brain food. Imagine trading Fortnite for fort-building in the woods. Intriguing, right?

Take your mini-explorers on a mission of sensory exploration. They'll marvel at the sound of rustling leaves or the scent of wildflowers. Encourage them to touch different tree barks—smooth as silk one minute, as rough as Grandpa's stubble the next. When's the last time video games offered that kind of multi-sensory extravaganza?

And let's turn it up a notch with scavenger hunts. Craft a list of nature's treasures: a pinecone, a ladybug, or even a funky-shaped rock. Now add a twist—how about finding something ‘that feels funny' or ‘smells great'? They'll engage their senses while scouring the earth like mini Indiana Joneses.

A nature walk isn't just a leisurely stroll; it's an adventure that opens your child's mind. By peeling them away from screens and thrusting them into the wild, you're not just fostering their mental well-being, but also preserving Mother Earth in their hearts.

Meditation Practice

Ever tried getting a kid to sit still for five minutes? It's like asking a tornado to chill out. But, hey, there's hope! Introducing meditation practice to kids can be your secret weapon. Think of it as their invisible superhero cape, grounding their whirlwind energy.

Start with morning mindfulness. Get them to focus on their breath like they're smelling a delicious cupcake—inhale, exhale. It's simple but powerful. Just five minutes in the morning can set a calm tone for the entire day. They'll be more centered, and you might even witness fewer breakfast table tantrums.

Now, for the nighttime battle. Bedtime meditation! Picture this: your little one, relaxed and slipping into dreamland without a fuss. Sounds delightful, right? Use a guided meditation app with soothing voices that gently lead them into a state of relaxation. It's like a lullaby but on a whole new level.

Gratitude Journaling

Imagine turning bedtime scribbles into a treasure hunt for tiny moments of joy—enter, the magic of gratitude journaling. It's not just a notebook; it's a tiny vault brimming with your child's thankful moments and positive affirmations.

Before they know it, your kiddo will be on a never-ending quest to spot those nuggets of positivity in their day.

So here's the scoop: each night, your child jots down three things they're grateful for. Picture their face lighting up when they recall winning a math quiz or the taste of grandma's cookies. And guess what? It's a twofer! This practice not only builds gratitude but also sneaks in a reflection on the day's wins—big or small.

Research even says this little habit can wire those young brains for happiness. Who knew gratitude was like nature's mental floss? It cleans out the gunk of negativity and makes room for self-growth.

And the best part? Positive affirmations sprinkled through their entries (think: 'I'm doing great!' or 'I can handle tough stuff!') can become the soundtrack to their day. You'll be amazed at how these tiny acts mold resilient, appreciative mini-humans.

Storytime Relaxation

Just when you thought bedtime couldn't get any better after gratitude journaling, let's immerse your child in a world of relaxation through storytime. Children's storytelling isn't just for entertainment; it's a ticket to an imagination-fueled wonderland where your little one can drift into a dreamy state.

Bedtime reading is your secret weapon. Choose tales that are calming and filled with gentle adventures—think more 'Goodnight Moon' and less 'Goosebumps.' Reading aloud in a soft, soothing voice transforms you into a bedtime magician, conjuring tranquility with every word. This isn't just about zoning out; it's about focusing on serene landscapes and heartwarming characters.

Create a cozy nook with soft lights and fluffy pillows. Snuggle up with a favorite stuffed animal and you'll have a captive audience ready for a tranquil journey. Your goal? A peaceful mind and a relaxing send-off to dreamland.

The beauty of bedtime reading is it strengthens bonds while nurturing a love for books. So go ahead, immerse yourself in a fantastic story, and watch your child's worries melt away, wrapped in the combined magic of words and love.


So, next time your little one's bouncing off the walls like a kangaroo on a caffeine kick, remember there's a smorgasbord of mindfulness and relaxation activities at your disposal.

Whether it's deep breathing, a bit of yoga, or getting artsy with some mindful coloring, these tricks will have them calm and collected faster than you can say “Namaste.”

Now go out there and zen those kiddos like a pro!

Melbourne Inner North Performing Arts Academy

4 Bolingbroke Street

Pascoe Vale, Victoria, 3044


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